Inner Lasting Peace

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7)

These words of the apostle Paul were written while he was in prison.  It was not a prison like that of today.  It deprived people of daily privileges and some prisons had worse conditions than others.  Yet even here Paul said one can have peace.  It was a peace he had when he took his anxieties and gave them to God.  It wasn’t a peace that money in the bank can provide nor, in fact, anything else in this world.  It was a peace that came only from God.  There is nothing in this world that could compare with this peace.  It enabled Paul to be content in all circumstances in his life, even a prison cell (Philippians 4:11).  If you’re not at peace in this world don’t try to find it apart from God.  God’s peace never changes when our earthly circumstances do.  I would happy to provide you with more information about this peace if you desire it for your life.  Have a great week!!

True Friends

“A good name is to be more desired than great riches.  Favour is better than silver and gold.” (Proverbs 22:1)

Do people like you for your money or for who you are?  I had a neighbour who had lots of folks come to his house on the weekends for drinks and social times.  But once he stopped hosting such then they never showed up at his house.  He was being used.  I noticed the sadness and dejection on his face and as we talked about it he explained that his so-called friends had taken advantage of him.  He had discovered that they weren’t friends in the true sense of the word at all.  Solomon says, “A friend loves at all times” (Proverbs 17:17).  So, when it comes to choosing your friends, choose wisely for a true friend will always be at your door and especially when you need them the most.

Welcome to the Church of Christ Owen Sound Blog!

by Brian Thompson

Welcome to our church website. We are delighted that you have taken an interest in knowing more about the church of Christ in Owen Sound. If there is any information about us that you cannot obtain on this website then please feel free to contact me either by email: or by phone (519) 376-6702 and I’ll be more than happy to get back with
you as soon as I can.

I will say this though. If you are looking for the church that you find in the Bible whose ultimate authority is only God’s then, without sounding conceited, you are looking in the right place. Since we are accountable to God for all that we do and practice as the church then it is our goal to do and obey only what He instructs us in His word. We have no human creeds that we follow. I hope that that is your desire as well when searching for the New Testament church; the church established by Jesus Christ Himself.