God’s Word is Always Relevant
It really shouldn’t be surprising that the word of God is current to every culture and
generation. Since God is timeless and cultureless, it shouldn’t surprise us that His word is
also that way. Though it’s not surprising, it is none-the-less amazing!
It is true that the Bible is set in time and culture as the plan of God was slowly revealed
through the centuries. The people in the Bible were real people who lived in various
cultures at various times. But as God intertwined their backgrounds and futures, He let
the world in on the plan He had before the world was created (Ephesians 1:4). He chose
to develop through the Jewish people His plan for redeeming the entire world. When
God became flesh and lived on earth (John 1:1, 14), He did so in Jewish society. Yet,
when Jesus went to the cross, He broke down those cultural barriers and opened up for
the entire world His gospel (Ephesians 2:12-16). Jesus wanted to be relevant to every
generation and culture.
At this point you might be wondering where all this is going, so let me tell you. There
are people every day who are searching for relevant help with their personal problems of
life. Many of these people attend worship every week. Many of them pray often. Yet,
they seem to wonder if God really understands their unique situation, and if so, does He
have something significant to say to help them. These people live all around us, and
perhaps, even in our own homes. But they also live in Nepal and Argentina and
Scotland. No matter when or where people may live, no matter what their culture or
customs may be, people are longing for, needing, a word from God. And the Bible is just
the place to look. It’s the only place to look.
Since God created us, He knows all of our needs. And since God transcends time and
culture, He’s not locked in to only one way of doing so. He not only knows us inside out
as individuals, He also what’s going on around us. But the really amazing thing is that
whatever my needs may be, the Bible can help us. The word of God is living and active.
It penetrates the soul and spirit and can judge all of our thoughts and attitudes (Hebrews
4:12). The Bible may be thousands of years old, but it is amazingly relevant to every one
of us.
There is no need to struggle through each day wondering if anyone cares, if anyone can
help. God cares and He has given us His word to be our source of direction and comfort.
Read it every day. Meditate on it. Study it. Learn it like never before. Then, when
Satan tries to defeat us, like Jesus, we can draw from God’s word just the help we need
(Matthew 4:1-11). We’ll be amazed at how relevant God’s word is.
By Joe Chesser (Adapted)