How Is the Gospel For Everyone?

How Is the Gospel For Everyone?                           January 26, 2025

Our Lord made it perfectly clear that salvation is for everyone, since Christ’s death was for the whole world (John 3:16).  Let’s take a closer look at this to understand that there is absolutely no favoritism when it comes to the gospel message.  The fact that it is to be taught to everyone (Mark 16:15) is proof of this.  Yet, let’s see additional evidence to this.

Your financial status doesn’t matter.  When it comes to the grace of our Lord, it doesn’t matter if you are rich or poor.  Unfortunately, people think those who are financially ser are favored by God.  Jesus said that the rain falls on the just and unjust (Matthew 5:45).  The message of the cross has nothing to do with money, and the sooner people understand this, the better off they’ll be.  Keep in mind, preaching the gospel to everyone means everyone!

Your standing with men doesn’t matter.  It was the apostle Paul who said that, “not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called.” (I Corinthians 1:26).  Notice the text said not many.  This implies some do respond to the calling of the gospel.  It’s vital that all realize that our Father in heaven doesn’t care about your status in society.  After all, the Lord isn’t looking for those who seek the approval of men.  To receive the lifesaving message means to put the Lord first (Galatians 1:10).

Your education level doesn’t matter.  In the Corinthian text we mentioned in our last point, in the same chapter the apostle stated, “we preach Christ crucified, to the Jews a stumbling block and to the Greeks foolishness.” (I Corinthians 1:23).  To think you are required to have a high level of education to know the truth is false.  In truth, many who reject the gospel are those who are very “smart” in man’s eyes.  Remember that there are many intelligent people who fail to see the plain and simple gospel message.

Your sinful past doesn’t matter.  For some, there is the idea that the gospel favors those who have lived a good, moral life.  To think the gospel message isn’t for those who have lived a rough life, couldn’t be any more wrong.  The fact is, everyone has sinned (Romans 3:23).  No one is more deserving of the death of Jesus than anyone else.  The power of the gospel will change the life of anyone that will turn to and follow the Lord.  It even happened to one who considered himself the chief of sinners (I Timothy 1:15).

Your age doesn’t matter.  Other than being a child that doesn’t have the capacity to understand right and wrong, there is no age limit.  The point here is that someone might be thinking that they have lived too long in sin, that there is no place for them in God’s family.  Again, that is just not true.  Christ’s parable about the laborers in the vineyard (Matthew 20:1-16), dealt with this issue.  Sometimes people don’t hear the gospel until they are older.  Even though at their conversion they regret their past, they are welcomed into God’s family.  That’s what the gospel does.

Your race doesn’t matter.  There is nothing in the gospel message that favors a certain race.  If someone thinks so, you can be sure they don’t understand the message of the cross (Romans 1:16).  It matters not the color of your skin.  Let’s not create barriers that are just not there.      By Chuck Bartlett

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