The Amazing Lovingkindness of the Lord
The Amazing Lovingkindness of the Lord September 5, 2021
“This I recall to my mind, therefore I have hope. The Lord’s lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Thy faithfulness.” (Lamentations 3:21-23)
Our circumstances in life can change at a moment’s notice. They can go from good to bad just like that. It could be a phone call that changes our whole life and turns it upside down or our boss calls us into his office to inform us that our employment services are no longer required.
If our only hope in life is in our possessions or our job then we may live a pretty hopeless life from time to time for we can lose all of them very quickly and unexpectantly.
The prophet Jeremiah did exactly as God told him to by telling His people and their leaders want they needed to hear. They didn’t like what he told them and they mistreated and persecuted him (Jeremiah 20:1-18). He was even cast down a cistern in which he began to sink in the mud until God intervened (Jeremiah 38:1-9).
However, Jeremiah remembered that God’s lovingkindnesses are so different from his circumstances. His lovingkindnesses never change; they never cease and His compassions for him never failed. As a matter of fact, His lovingkindnesses towards Jeremiah were new (fresh) every morning. Imagine that and because of that Jeremiah said that he had hope every day.
What do you have in life that never changes; that is so fresh and new every morning? Jeremiah’s life turned upside down from time to time but he had a God who was faithful and constant in expressing His loving care towards him. Do you have such a God in your life that will help you get through life, one day at a time?
Brian Thompson