What Christians Ask Others to Believe

What Christians Ask Others to Believe                          June 30, 2024

We, as Christians, are under divine mandate to tell the Good News to the world.  Have you ever considered just what it is that we’re asking folks to believe.

First, we’re asking them to believe in a Supreme Being we can’t see, hear, touch, taste, or smell.  We’re asking them to believe that this God created from nothing everything that exists in the universe.

Then we’re asking them to believe that God has revealed Himself to humankind, both in the written volume we call the Bible and ultimately in the person of Jesus Christ.  We’re asking them to believe that this Jesus was God in the flesh, that He lived an absolutely sinless life, that He bled and died on the cross of Calvary as the ultimate atonement offering for our sins, and that He came forth alive from the tomb on the third day.

We’re asking them to believe that Jesus ascended back to Heaven where He reigns on the throne of David at the right hand of the Father.  We’re asking to believe that He will return to raise the dead and to judge the world.

Do we have the right to ask people to believe these things?  Emphatically Yes!  God has given us abundant evidence.  Our faith is not “blind faith,” but evidenced faith.  The question is, “Are we, as Christians, informed and equipped to explain why people ought to believe things that seem at first glance to be not only unreasonable but outrageous?”  In other words, “Can we defend our faith?”

“But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear” (I Peter 3:15).

By Joe Slater


“Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.”

(By David Hamrick)

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