What It Means to Love Jesus
What It Means to Love Jesus (John 14:15) May 22, 2022
“If you love Me, keep My commandments.” (King James Version)
“If you (really) love Me, you will keep and obey My commandments.” (Amplified Version)
“If you love Me, you will do as I command.” (Contemporary English Version)
“If you love Me, show it by doing what I’ve told you.” (The Message Bible)
The apostle John reminds Christians to not love one another with words or with tongue but in deeds and truth (I John 3:18). How easy it is to verbalize our love for one another but it is much more meaningful and genuine if that love is expressed through some act of kindness.
Such is true when it comes to our love for Jesus. What does it mean to love Him? What’s involved? As far as Jesus is concerned, anyone can say they love Him but that doesn’t really mean that they do.
As God’s love for us was demonstrated (John 3:16) so our love for Him and His Son should be demonstrated. This principle is seen in John 14:15 when Jesus told His disciples that if they loved Him then they would keep His commandments. Loving Jesus involves doing something. The various translations of this verse seen above teach us that loving Jesus involves keeping, obeying, doing and showing the commandments of Jesus in our life.
John also teaches us that he and the other disciples learned to love others because of the love Jesus had for them (I John 4:19). If one really loves Jesus then they should be willing to love others. He goes on to say that if anyone says that they love God and yet hates his brother in Christ, then he is a liar, for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen (I John 4:19-20).
Matthew teaches us that if we love Jesus we will be devoted to Him and serve Him. He will be the number one priority in our life (Matthew 6:24).
Mark tells us that if we truly love God then we will do so with all our heart, soul, mind and strength (Mark 12:29-31). Our love for Him will be noticed by others and God & Christ will be glorified.
Is your love for Christ genuine? It will be but only if He finds you busy doing what He has commanded you to do.
Brian Thompson