Why Believe in God? The Origin of Right and Wrong
Why Believe in God? The Origin of Right and Wrong April 16, 2023
One of the most difficult arguments to refute concerning the existence of God is the observation of objective right and wrong. There are events and actions that take place within this life that all of humanity categorize as wrong. Murdering, stealing, cheating, lying, injustice, and the list continues. In any culture and in any part of the world, mankind has buried within them a moral compass.
The question that the atheist and agnostic must answer is where did mankind inherit such a standard of morals? The premise is as follows: If mankind has objective morals, then there must be a lawmaker, therefore God as the Creator of all humanity provides moral law. For the atheist/evolutionist, we are merely advanced animals. But why have we formed a conscience? For it serves no purpose toward natural selection, advancement, and adaptation.
Most who attempt to fight this argument utilize the view of “moral relativism,” saying even events such as 9/11 attacks or the holocaust were simply an expression of radical idealism, and it is only to the victims that the events seem horrific. This point of view is not only delusional and disturbing, but also erroneous. Such heinous actions develop just consequences and invoke the moral compass within many individuals to demand a condemnation.
Furthermore, Biblical passages such as Leviticus 19:18 and Matthew 7:12 instruct individuals to treat others as they would like to be treated (namely with love). Moral relativism fails on many levels, but one simple failure is shown when the one carrying out the wicked deeds retracts when those same deeds are committed to themselves. Hitler feared death and terrorist extremists fought back when we engaged in war. When the wicked deed is reversed on the one executing such actions, they retaliate. Moral relativism is only occupied until the roles are reversed.
Additionally, scripture even speaks of those who have never heard the gospel or know about God. “For when the Gentiles who do not have the Law naturally do the things of the Law, these, not having the Law, are a law to themselves, in that they demonstrate the work of the Law written in their hearts, their conscience bearing witness and their thoughts alternately accusing or else defending them…” (Romans 2:14, 14 LSB). When we look at humanity collectively, we find a human race who acknowledges “right” and “wrong,” and we know the One who gave that awareness.
By Tyler King