Get the Mirror…Ouch!

Get the Mirror…Ouch!

July 2, 2023

  If the devil were to write his beatitudes, they would

   probably go something like this:

      Blessed are those Christians who are TOO TIRED,

       TOO BUSY, TOO DISTRACTED  to spend time with their

             fellow Christians in worship; for they are my candidates to backslide.

            Blessed are those Christians who WAIT TO BE ASKED

            and EXPECT TO BE THANKED, for I can use them to slow

            things down.

           Blessed are those Christians who are TOUCHY.  With

              a bit of luck they may STOP GOING TO WORSHIP  and get

            others to quit; for they are my missionaries.

              Blessed are those Christians who are VERY RELIGIOUS

               but GET ON EVERYONE’S NERVES; they are the most

                    effective stumbling blocks.

              Blessed are those Christians who are TROUBLE-MAKERS;

                  they are my best wrecking crew.

             Blessed are those Christians who have NO TIME TO PRAY;

                      they are easy prey for me.

                         Blessed are those who are COMPLAINERS; they are my

                            best discouragers.

                         Blessed are you when you read this and THINK ABOUT

                               OTHER PEOPLE, and not about yourself. 

Because I’ve got you!
