Six Attitudes For Our Week

Six Attitudes For Our Week                                         July 16, 2023

What kind of attitude do you put on towards others each day?  There are several that could be easy to put on, such as angry outbursts in traffic when on the way to work or an impatient attitude in the grocery store.  There are so many ways we can feel within our hearts, and even outwardly treat others, if we are not careful.  What attitude does the Bible say we need to create within ourselves and show towards others?

A Spirit of Humility

We must remain humble (Colossians 3:12) and esteem others higher than ourselves (Philippians 2:3).  We must remember that we are not better or more important than others.  As God has asked us, may we treat others with humility even when it is not easy!

A Spirit of Kindness

The Bible calls us to treat others with kindness (Ephesians 4:32).  This can be especially difficult when others have no desire to do the same.  However, we must still take this instruction seriously and be kind, even if we feel someone does not deserve it.

A Spirit of Trustworthiness

Colossians 3:9 implores us to always tell the truth and to be someone that others can trust.  May we always be someone that others know does not spread lies and can be confided in or handed a task without hesitation.

A Spirit of Obedience

Jesus tells us that we truly love Him, we will keep His commandments (John 14:15).  To obtain the promises He has given, we must listen to what He asks us to do and not what we desire for ourselves.  Others will see this, and it can certainly influence them in various ways.  It may inspire them to do the same, or maybe build up the trust others have in you as they see your obedience.

A Spirit of Commitment

Even when times get tough, may we always press on and do the work that Christ asks of us.  Paul shows us how to put on this attitude several times and shows us why (II Timothy 1:12).  He has confidence in Christ and his labor is not in vain.  We can have that same confidence!  May we stay committed to Christ and to the work in His church!

A Spirit of Focus

We must keep the focus on Christ (Hebrews 12:1-2), pressing on towards the goal of heaven and not losing sight of it.  There are many distractions in life that will try to turn us away, but may we never forget what lies ahead in eternity!

By Simon Tyson