What Did Jesus Look Like?
What Did Jesus Look Like? June 12, 2022
“Behold, My servant will prosper, He will be high and lifted up, and greatly exalted. Just as many were astonished at you, My people, so His appearance was marred more than any man, and His form more than the sons of men.” (Isaiah 52:13-14)
“For He grew up before God like a tender shoot, and like a root out of parched ground; He had no stately form or majesty that we should look upon Him, nor appearance that we should be attracted to Him. He was despised and forsaken of men, a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief; and like one from whom men hide their face, He was despised, and we did not esteem Him.” (Isaiah 53:2-3)
How many movies of Jesus have you watched that depict Him as being very handsome, having long black hair and blue eyes? I don’t think I’ve ever seen one where He’s presented to others exactly as He’s described in the two passages of Isaiah above.
Jesus was not an attractive person to look at in form or appearance. As a matter of fact, He was the very opposite. He was marred in appearance and form more than any man and was like one from whom men hide their face. So, how does one make a movie with the main character being unattractive? Would the movie producers make much money doing so? I doubt it!
Jesus was born in a manger and not a palace even though He would become the king of the Jews. God wanted people to focus not on where He was born but that He was born for a reason. He had humble beginnings and He remained humble all His life. Jesus was created the way He was because God didn’t want people to be attracted to Him physically because of His good looks but rather God wanted them to be attracted to Him spiritually because He was good, righteous and just.
We know from the passages of Isaiah above that the person referred to in those passages is Jesus because of what we read in Acts 8:26-40. A eunuch was reading from Isaiah and asked Philip, the evangelist, to whom was this man referring to and Philip told him that it referred to Jesus. Then the eunuch became a Christian by being baptized into Christ for the forgiveness of his sins. Jesus was attractive to this eunuch not because of His looks but because of His message of forgiveness, salvation and hope.
What do you find attractive about Jesus? When Jewish leaders were wanting to destroy Him they could not find a way to do so because the people were hanging upon His words (not His looks but on what He said to them) (Luke 19:47-48).
Truth be told – Jesus is very attractive when one takes the time to listen to what He has to say to them. When one realizes how much Jesus has demonstrated His love for them they’ll realize that there is not a love existing on this earth that is more attractive than His. I hope you’ll discover His true, inner beauty one day.
Look on the inside of Jesus!
Brian Thompson